Montag, 24. Juni 2013

#audir18_2 screensaver

We have it for you:     FREE AND FOR FUN!  Download your  2013 Lemans winning #audir18_2 SCREENSAVER for your iphone for FREE!
                                        Just right klick and save!

#bertram @Lemans!

...during the #Lemans weekend I started to draw a sketch from the #2 Audi with #tomk  #allanmcnish and #loicduval ! I don't know why, but I had the feeling that theses guys would make it this year.....and indeed  #audir18_2 made it at the end while #audir18_1 struggled with technical problems and lost a lot of time and #audir18_3 wasn't as fortunate as the others concerning tirechoice. They struggled with a puncture! #lm24 #24lm #24hlm #audi #audi_sport #joestracing

Besides this we had an overwhelming response on our different mediachannels @twitter and @facebook..... we appreciate it very much that so many people liked our cartoons!

Sonntag, 16. Juni 2013

Scruteneering in Lemans!

Fantastic new livery from #oakracing #lm24 #24lm #scruteneering

On the road to Lemans!

No.1 motorsportblogger and fellow ringmate #mikefrison from #renntv is on it's way to #Lemans #LM24 #24LM and due to #hunaudier he's got the big equipement with him! Be sure to watch his exciting reports in the next day directly from the #24HLM !

Freitag, 14. Juni 2013

In the beginning....

#motocartoon was supposed to be named 'elfercomix' in the early days! I planed a comicstrip around some guys in their Porsche 911 which should take place in the #Eifel around the #Nürburgring. Due to my poor knowledge in #Photoshop and #Illustrator at that time I rather quickly had to realize that this idea was a littlebit too early for me.

Keeping in mind that it was only a hobby, I didn't push myself too much in the following years. With the upcoming relevance of social media I remebered the drawer on my computer where I once had put in all the stuff from the beginning. I remembered that most of the people back then couldn't deal so well with 'elfercomix' and so I made sure to save the FB sitename 'motocartoon', which was more international understandable and carried "car", "moto" and "toon" within itself - all the things I'm interested in!

Today my friend Hajo from #maedchenundmotoren made a Retroshirt for me, just because 15 years ago I always wanted to have one! 

Donnerstag, 13. Juni 2013

how it allways starts - a white sheet of paper!

Welcome everybody to @motocartoon! This is my first post and from now on I will take you with me into the world of #sketching and scratching! Usually I find time @ #night when the world falls asleep to skribble what has caught my eye or my mind.....and everytime in the morning I tell myself again that I should go to bed earlier! #motocartoon #gerrimoto