Donnerstag, 3. Dezember 2015


...don't know what to give away for christmas? It's so easy - make a petrolhead happy with our LOGO-Shirt! Free shipping within Europe and donate via PayPal! ( Just leave your adress and the size!

Sonntag, 29. November 2015



It has turned out into a good tradition at the Nürburgring area and marks the definite end of the racing season: The meanwhile famous " Frikadelli Racing Christmas Market". The symphatic team around Klaus Abbelen and Sabine Schmitz present a variety of different booths all taking care of the visitors hunger and thirst. There#s a lot of music as well, the  entrance is free and like every year the profit goes to a social purpose!

Porsche Porsche Everyday - Dedeporsches Blog Ferdinand Porsche Magazine 9ELF - Magazin für PORSCHE-EnthusiastenPFF - unabhängiges Porsche-Magazin & Forum GT Porsche Magazine PORSCHE FAHRER - Das unabhängige Porsche Magazin Porsche Klassik 1vision media solutions - Redaktion werk1 Porsche Every Day The 911&Porsche Magazine Früh Kölsch


Freitag, 27. November 2015


Today Porsche opens his first worldwide Classic Center in the netherlands: The (..what an adress!) Like here at Motocartoon, where old Porsche and other sports- and racecars live furtheron after their first career Porsche Classic has build a center specially engineered for classic Porsche Cars. We appriciate their courage and wish all the best for the future!

Mittwoch, 11. November 2015



..has its birthday today and  for all of us who are struggling with their suspension from time to time, he is and has always been a great support and a lovely mate as well! Happy Birthday Joerg! #bilstein  #alfaromeo #alfaromeoclassic